The Apostolic Church in Kolding
The church is a church for generations and its events provides a framework for a cross-age community.
Kirkeibyen is a free church and a member of The Apostolic Church in Denmark, a recognized denomination. Kirkeibyen (church in the city) is also a member of Frikirkenet, a national organization of free churches and organisations. Our vision and purpose is the wish to add value to all people and create a room for a transforming meeting with Jesus and with other people. That is the common goal for our fellowship, our mindset, our involvement etc.
The Apostolic Creed is a summary and a historic wide phrasing of foundation for our theology which was formulated around 200 BC and is considered to be a common ground of confession for all christians.
Samværket is place of worship for Kirkeibyen, but is also a place for musical and cultural events such as concerts, seminars and lectures.