Development & Projects in Destination Trekantområdet

Based on history and with visions for the future, our area represents a unique sanctuary for ideas, cultures and people.

- Nature & Culture in one, in the middle of Denmark

Destination Trekantområdet brings public and private actors within the tourism industry in Vejle, Kolding and Billund municipalities together in a joint destination company.

The purpose is to support the creation of growth and jobs in the tourism industry. Through collaboration and
strengthening product development and marketing of offers and services to the area's guests, we must promote tourism in the area.

Projects in Destination Trekantområdet

Our projects in the area help to create jobs and better conditions for the profession and guest. The projects are broad-based and all have a sustainable angle and help make our area visible to both Danish and especially foreign guests.

If there is a project on the list that you would like to hear more about, please contact us.

Current projects

Kultur i Kolding
Emil Lyngbo

Gentænk Kulturturismen

– Sustainable cultural attractions of the future in the Destination Triangle area


Destination Trekantområdet

Regenerativ turisme på verdenskortet - Naturpark Lillebælt

Conferences in the Triangle Area
Destination Trekantområdet

Let’s Meet Again – Innovation og markedsføring af erhvervsturismen

Datahub projekt - Visit Data
Destination Trekantomraadet

Visit Data - En landsdækkende platform for turismedata

Udbud og markedsafsøgning

Afsluttede projekter

Projekt om sustainability i Destination Trekantområdet
Destination Trekantområdet

Bæredygtige Destinationer

- Bæredygtig udvikling i destinationerne i Danmark